At least he's calling it like he sees it.
Here's Barney Frank, who's to the Left of most anyone in the entirety of both houses of Congwess. He is an avid and die hard supporter of the proposed health care legislation, and his town hall meeting had all the familiar symptoms of those we've seen elsewhere, from New York to Missouri and Arkansas: rowdy.
But this is Bawney Fwank we're talking about here. Wowdy might be his middle name.
I have no problem with this, speaking independently of the situation at hand, regardless of any political affiliation one might have that would endorse or decry his fighting back. This is how legislation works. The people give, the delegate gives back. The politician ought to always be civil, but civility has never been exclusively set apart from standing your ground in the face of unrelenting and stubborn opposition, no matter how humorous standing your ground sounds.

Anyway, he called the lady an alien dinner table. That was pretty funny.
This is EighteenFoxtrot
ReplyDeleteThis morning Jason Tolbert of the put out a tweet earlier today “Note to followers if you get some strange RT attributed to me it is from supporters of Trevor Drown spreading lies and misinformation”
Some clarification is due. Here it is from us. We are not supporters of Trevor Drown. We are seekers of the truth, a completely separate group of like-minded people who believe in leadership without party or corporate interest. As to spreading lies and misinformation; coming from a blogger, like Tolbert it is ironic, considering what his whole blog consists of. His site is supported and sponsored by the Arkansas Republican Party. It is full of the above mentioned lies, etc.
In the beginning Tolbert tried to do a hatchet job on Trevor Drown and a poor one at that. He reported inaccurately about Drown and made fun of him. Of, Drown is in the public eye, now, he is a target, just like you. But Tolbert was very harsh and inaccurate towards someone like him for no other reason than he stepped up. You even allowed members of the Arkansas State Republican Party and State Elected Officials to try and Palinize him.
Drown is a Green Beret, he can handle himself pretty much anywhere. In fact, I bet he has no idea any of this is going on and at what level. He is focusing on talking to the people of Arkansas and seeing what they have to say. Tolbert you wouldn’t make it as a pimple on his ass.
Now Jason it’s your turn. We watched and we waited. Bloggers have 1st Amendment rights and so called Journalism Protection. Two things, Jason, you forgot rule 401, you can be held liable for your professional conduct. See if you can find out where that rule is and how it applies to you. Second, we are also bloggers and we will use our 1st Amendment right. So you want to play with the Teams. Enjoy the next few days. Let us know when you have had enough.
18F out
I feel like two people I don't even know very well came into my house around dinner time and got into a cat fight.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, wtf.