Hometown papers left and right a folding up, even the big ones in Seattle, Detroit, and elsewhere. There's talks of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and the Boston Globe shutting their doors. If anybody could use a bailout (not that I'm advocating, as I have clearly remonstrated), it's the newspaper industry. Any charitable donors out there?
But...let's not get ahead of ourselves. It's a nearly proven fact that everything John Kerry touches immediately dissolves if not erupting into flames. Print Media will be fine, Mr. Kerry, move along, nothing to see here.
This reads nothing but calamity. Hilarious calamity.
I should have commented on the other post, but the funny thing is people still crave what traditional newspapers provide. Even with twitter, blogs, etc. people still need the hard hitting, traditional journalism. But like you said, if I knew the answer to how the media could evolve....I'd be rolling in it.
ReplyDeleteI can't get enough of that picture.
ReplyDeleteI commend Senator Kerry for trying to help this industry find it way in todays world. It is important to our democracy that newspapers and the news and commentary they deliver stay with us. I can't see how Senator Kerry could do nothing but help out. And, as such, I find this post to be unnecessarily nasty.
ReplyDeletei think he was kidding and just making fun of kerry. i voted for kerry and dont think this was to bad
"It is important to our democracy that newspapers and the news and commentary they deliver stay with us"
Agreed but I don't want the government anywhere near traditional media. There is some phrase that comes to mind...what is it? Ahhhh yes CONFLICT OF INTEREST. Sure this may seem as an innocent "hey lets help out the papers act" but my skepticism leads me to believe that this is a foot in the door.
The media, and damn near every other industry is getting schwacked right now. Everyone is feeling it. However that does not mean we should throw away our American Ideals just so the government can swoop in and save the media. Call me idealistic, but the print media is something I grew up with, and still view as one of the last bastions of free speech.
Then again, Woodward and Bernstein would totally love the government involved in media, and I hear Hugo Chavez is doing great work down in Venezuela.
As for being unnecessarily nasty:
1. Lighten up.
2. If I couldn't catch a football, I'd certainly expect everyone to make fun of me.