Last week's winner was anonymous. I donated five dollars in his or her name to a local charity. Congratulations! Unless this guy/gal hates Catholics. In which case, he/she doesn't need to win anyway. Shame on you.
Al Franken, comedian, will now have his name followed by D-Minn. in most places now. Public Strategies polls Minney-soda with 63 percent wanting the other guy whose name has already escaped me (Coleman? Callahan? Cartwheel?) to give it up already and get to representing. I'll get it started.
"He's got the Whoooooole World in His Hands, He's got the Whole-Wide-World, In His Hands! Everybody!"
"I've played worse joints than this so-called Senate."
Pretty weak sauce attempts by yours truly, but this one's pretty open. Have at it.
(not seen)
ReplyDeleteNorm Coleman: How did this happen? My teeth,MY GOD LOOK AT MY TEETH!!!