I like this one, because it's just so dang open to interpretation. Give me your best captions for whatever it is that Barney Frank could have said that would make this many people laugh openly. I'll get the ball rolling:
Frank: I don't know where my pants went either.
Everyone else: Isn't he just ADORABLE?!
or this
Pelosi: Oh God, We are so screwed.
or how about this
Frank: And I told Dodd, I'd slap him right in the face with this hand if he ever let anything like that AIG bonus thing get in legislation again.
Dodd (just over Frank's right shoulder, laughing): Oh my God, he TOTALLY did!
Please do better than me. Schwag for the victor.
By the way, Old Booker Pogue won last week and was the recipient of some drinks on me. If you are indeed deemed the winner, schwag and schwag equivalents are negotiable.
ReplyDelete"I said raise your RIGHT hand for the oath."
ReplyDeleteThat's both Pelosi's and Frank's O-faces.
ReplyDeleteFrank: "Okay it was me."
ReplyDeleteEveryone else: "Ohhhh, Barney."
Judd Gregg (on the left, behind Pelosi): Oh, dammit, I'm in the wrong room again.