"We're gonna get some t-shirts, ball caps, koozies, stuff like that for starters," said Wilson, from his office covered in "You Lie!" banners with a DJ spinning records on a "You Lie!" table, featuring a new Black Eyed Peas jam "You-You-You-You! You Lie!."
"You've gotta start small, but we're confident we're gonna get the ball rolling pretty good," Wilson said.
Fox has already devoted a thirty minute block of a new game show, You Lie!, to replace whatever show is dropped mid-season, in which contestants will either have to tell a tale about certain things they have done to Wilson's face, and he will proclaim whether or not they are telling the truth, by yelling "You lie!" or "You (don't) lie!"
"This is tantamount to other wonderful catchphrases that swept the nation in recent history, such as 'Eat My Shorts', "Whazzzzuuuupp?!", and 'Cool Beans,'" said Fox director of marketing Richard North. "Anybody who doesn't think we're going to milk this sucker is," North paused, while chuckling, "Well, I'd just have to say 'You lie!'"
The White House Communications Office, immediately after accepting Wilson's red-faced apology, began to work on their own counter-catchphrase, now deciding between "hell nah" and "b*tch please," with the latter currently in the lead.
You lie!
ReplyDeletePoor, poor Republicans. They just can't take it.
ReplyDeleteYou gotta feel sorry for those poor bastards :(
ReplyDeleteJoe is my new hero. He told it like it is. He called him out. This is what needs to be done.
ReplyDeleteGo Joe! You did what all Republicans should have done and called a spade a spade! I just wish you were from my state!
ReplyDeleteBRAVO JOE!!!!! I wish your fellow republicans had the guts to call him out!
ReplyDeleteManddeep here!. In order to augment my income I have arranged to make some t-shirts with You Lie!
ReplyDeleteHere is the site
Hey Manddeep here is the link for you, you will love this is awesome site for me because they have some pretty excellent variety in t-shirts and their rates are unbelievable.
Joe is an idiot. No better than the fool that threw the shoe at George Bush. Disrespect at it's worst and all some have the nerve to say he did right. Just because our president is black doesn't give free license for this type of disrespect to occur. Shameful to be an American and this crap is allowed. Shame on you all.
ReplyDeleteJoe...grow up! Obama doesn't have a bill! The bill that pass committee in the senate, maybe you should read it during your month break and see what is in it. Stopping listening to Rush the Pill popping Lush and Bill Loofa O'Rielly and use your education and read the bill to find out what is in it before shooting your mouth off.
ReplyDeleteJoe will not be re elected!!!!Youre Done!!
ReplyDeleteI love how the liberal media has spun this into some kind of success for Obama's ridiculous health care reform! Joe was right... He has lied about everything from his birthplace to his associations with terrorists and racists. Your "token" president is failing and all the Dems can do is backpedal! You lie Obama! Health care for the illegals! Really?
ReplyDeleteAtta,Rep.Joe Wilson the truth hurts,and some of the dems, don't like it, mabe they should all(READ THE BILL)!!!! I don't trust goverment health care.And i know illegals are in OBOMAS bill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOnly a Southern with an attitude and no grits to clean his arse for breakfast would do this - SHAME SHAME SHAME - try working for a change since you will be out of office by next year ya tossing twit!
ReplyDeleteOBOMAS - whos that? LEARN TO SPELL YA TWAT
ReplyDeleteAre Republicans illiterate or do they just choose not to read on their own? Just jump when paid puppeteers pull the strings??? NOWHERE are these claims by Wilson, et al, true. READ for yourselves.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone lied is was Wilson. He apologized to the President for his outburst. Now he is going to use the "You Lie". He should wear his t shirt, but it needs to say "I LIE". Wildon lied to the President and the Nation. How sad.
ReplyDeleteOnce his site comes back up .....well if it ever does, I think a nice email will be in order to this plonker.
ReplyDeleteGive it a break and really start to use the manners your mommie and daddie taught ya or are you so old and senile that you cant remember them?
This is where a flying bitch slap would have been in order - would have loved to see Nancy kick him back to his southern redneck woods!
ReplyDeleteThe President was lying!! Someone needed to call him out on it. I thought the funniest things was the face that Pelosi made when it happened. Hahaha. What a pinched bitch.
ReplyDeleteTo everybody who's applauding him... I hope you'll send him some checks to, because I don't see him being re-elected after this.
ReplyDeleteLook he made Nancy get that "I have just been porked look" on her face and that was priceless. Good enough in my book, since they have been porking Arkansans for the last few months. Too bad lube was used.
ReplyDeleteMaybe he was just trying to use the same tactics as those at the Town Halls.With nothing intelligent to contribute just shout down those with something to say.Being from the south doesn't make you a "Redneck" being stupid does make you an idiot
ReplyDeleteAndrea, maybe u need to get porked!
ReplyDeleteWhy all the anonymous posts? Are those that are so "RIGHT"ashamed of their thoughts?
ReplyDeleteGuess Joe had finally had it with all of the lies & just blurted it out! A lot of us out here are fed-up with Obama! He needs to stay out of our lives & our business ( & our corporations). We are not socialists or communists or a democracy...we are a Republic!!!
ReplyDeleteHuray for Joe!!........someone in the Porkland called Congress finally said what is TRUE!!..Obama lies every time he makes a comment.......he is a worthless pile of Pilosi that will probably destroy the American way of life and get us right in the middle of the socialist style of holding people hostage...........he is the Number one enemy we face today, and unfortunately too many citizens are asleep, and will wke up after itis too late!!
ReplyDeleteWell it has been awhile. Hubby won't take the blue pill. I used to be a groupie of Blues Band's in the River Valley, but those days are gone. Thank heaven for Mark Martin!
ReplyDeleteJoe Wilson should NOT have apologized! Obama IS lying! MARK MY WORDS! ILLEGALS, WILL end up getting what they have NO RIGHT TO RECEIVE!...Healthcare, FUNDED by the sweat, of the American People!!
ReplyDeleteWell I'm out of here, to many lying idiots but I LEFT so they must be RIGHT
ReplyDeleteIf you read the entire bill, not just hand picked portions, you'll understand that it does say that illegal aliens won't be covered; however, as Obama knows, Federal law requires that any government health plan offered to citizens without cost must be available to all residents of the United States, legal or not. (Check the law suits recently decided in California concerning this issue) Another section of the bill basically says that no one can be required to show proof of citizenship to obtain health insurance. In other words, they won't knowingly give health insurance to illegals because they won't know that they're illegals. It's all smoke and mirrors..and it's pathetic.
ReplyDeleteJoe don't let them intimidate you these clowns have called GW a lot worse and never appologized.
ReplyDeleteAmerica is quickly becoming a 3rd World Country, sinking lower and lower into the abyss...
ReplyDeleteThe fuck these people come from?
ReplyDeleteMost came from a vagina some were hatched and one or two were mutants. Tom Cotton Rules! Coleman Sucks! Gilbert Baker is an Alien!
ReplyDeleteWhat the frick is up with Doyle Webb? This is the reason why our local party is considered a joke. You have an attorney, who got spanked for having his hand in the cookie jar, the party is in the red, Staci hits the eject button, we are paying Doyle $60K a year and his flower business goes upside down. How do we get any credibility. Seems like his plan to raise funds, is to get every nitcase he can to run against Blanche so he can get the party filing fees. Where is the leadership?
ReplyDeleteLook, you just need to hang in there for another year. After the next election, Mark Martin will be stepping up to take over as the Chair of the state party. He can't do much right now but work in the background because he is in a elected postion. But he is doing his research and securing his support and then when January 2010 comes. Doyle will quitely retire.