So, by my calculations I haven't posted in about a week. Pretty eventful, in those few days, I reckon. Let's do some quick hits, some "Stuff From Around...", or some of whatever Rutherford and Lance call it when they just post briefs and links. At least Kinkade branded his; The rest of us are screwed:
Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ, I see the light!: According to Politico, Pres. Obama invokes the name of Jesus Christ more so than his evangelical predecessor Pres. "Born Again" Bush. While Bush made it a part of his identity, Obama has embraced all religions, including reaching out to non-believers. It's an understandable move: About one in ten people walking around you in America believe he is a Muslim. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I'm willing to bet that percentage is a tad higher in Arkansas. Looking at you, Grandma.
Republican Headliners Get Awkward: Sarah was invited, but she got subbed out for Newt, but unbeknownst to her, so she totally went up there, and then said stuff. Meanwhile, Huck did his own thing at the same exact time. And you thought the new 90210 was going to suck.
Don't Worry I'll Be Leaving Shortly: Dan Greenburg classes up the Arkansas Project with a touch of electability, this time opining on the merits of term limits. He says experience is overrated, and new-blood is invaluable. He probably voted for Obama. I'm sort of torn; While it's always good to liven up the place, and allow for new thoughts and faces and energies — not to mention the daunting incumbent advantage — I always tend to think that it leads people to focus on the elections rather the numbered days they have in office. Doesn't count for the Prez.

Talk Like An Egyptian: You'd have thought the press could've come up with a more sensitive name than 'The Muslim Speech.' Obama addresses the role of the United States in and with the Middle East and collectively, the Nation of Islam, using his personal appeal at home and abroad to make a speech that will be remembered for a long time. It was good, but there were several quotes that could be used by Republicans as ammo. The problem? Many in the GOP wont be able to enunciate a clear rebuttal, as they will be red-faced and slobberingly angry-toned, and will therefore come across as nothing more than an mad, sweaty-toothed, bigot/honky. The GOP needs a smooth talker. Badly.
Senator Get the Kids Out of the Room: Stormy Daniels, pornography actress(?) is, by many people's count, seriously taking this whole Senate run seriously. Seriously. No, we mean it. Politics just got interesting, or at least unboring.
Your Daily Dose of Onion (NSFW, audio):
Obama Drastically Scales Back Goals For America After Visiting Denny's
Hey, let's get this straingt. I am probably your biggest fan. Woops, that didn't come out right.
ReplyDeleteI am probably your most ardent fan. Now for th good stuff. In exactly what context does Mr. Obama use the name of Jesus? Next, Christians love all humans. We may not like some of the things they do; we may reject some of the doctrines of some religions and doctrines of some of the so-called religions, BUT we are not the hate mongers the left-wingers love to make us out to be. The fact that so many of them call us hate mongers prove they know nothing of the love knowing Jesus plants into our hearts. Love ya!