Regard the preliminary article under this article as a prequel to what I hope this site will become: moderate analysis of political nature reflected by American society, for liberal and conservative, for Democrat and Republican, for better and for worse.
Politics are mired with nonobjective monologue that in turn, gets nothing done. Boy, it's great to throw all kinds of bull around with your buddies, but how does that talk fly when it's up against intelligent discourse from a differing view point? It's about creating a dialogue, mixing it up to find better results, because if you think you're right, all the time, in every instance, I think you're an idiot.

But while politics isn't without its fair share of problems, I also find it to be the most fascinating sport in the world. I refer here to famed political consultant Charlie Cook. Cook is a moderate and runs the non-partisan politically handicapping newsletter, The Cook Political Report. I don't so much enjoy the players that often, but I love the game. The game is what shapes and molds our collective destinies. Representation is a powerful thing.

So which ever side of the issue you're on, just consider for a moment someone else's opinion. I guarantee I'll offend you, but you just might learn something.
Oh yeah, and I promise that future posts will have more funny in them. These opening statements are so broad, that it's hard to pin a certain feature to one certain style or whatever the case may be. Wakka wakka.
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